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Frequenices of Tradition curated by Hyunjin Kim, 2021

Frequencies of Tradition (2020-2022)

《Frequencies of Tradition》은 아시아 지역에서 전통과 근대화의 복잡한 관계성을 살피는 기획으로 세미나, 신작 커미션, 전시회로 선보인 시리즈이다. 이 시리즈는 KADIST의 국제 프로그램의 일환으로 2018년에 시작되었고, 《Frequencies of Tradition》을 위한 협업은 예술가, 연구자, 큐레이터들과의 긴밀한 대화를 바탕으로, 그리고 국제 기관, 비엔날레와의 파트너십을 통해 시도되고 이루어졌다. 프로그램의 마지막 결과물인 전시는 2020년부터 광동 타임즈 미술관(传统的频率, 2020-2021), 인천아트플랫폼(《송출된 과거, 유산의 극장》, 2021-2022), KADIST 샌프란시스코(Frequencies of Tradition, 2022)의 세 개의 국제 예술기관을 순회하며 열렸다.

Frequencies of Tradition is a series of seminars, commissions of new artworks, and exhibitions that reflect the intricate relationship between tradition and modernization across Asia. KADIST initiated this series in 2018 as part of its international programs devoted to drawing connections between different localities by addressing shared issues, often of global relevance. Curated by Hyunjin Kim, who served as KADIST's Lead Regional Curator for Asia (2017-2020) and later as the Artistic Director at Incheon Art Platform (2021), this collaborative endeavor was grounded in partnerships and close conversations with artists, researchers, and institutions around the world. Three exhibitions unfolded at the following international venues: Guangdong Times Museum in Guangzhou (2020-2021), Incheon Art Platform (2021-2022), and KADIST San Francisco (2022).

Video Documentation Here

exhibition 2021 Hyunjinkim
Public Art Project Hyunjin Kim

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