List of Curatorial Work
Frequencies of Tradition
Frequencies of Tradition is a series of seminars, commissions of new artworks, and exhibitions that reflect the intricate relationship between tradition
and modernization across Asia. KADIST initiated this series in 2018 as part of its international programs devoted to drawing connections between different localities by addressing shared issues, often of global relevance. Curated by Hyunjin Kim, who served as KADIST's Lead Regional Curator for Asia (2017-2020) and later as the Artistic Director at Incheon Art Platform (2021), this collaborative endeavor was grounded in partnerships and close conversations with artists, researchers, and institutions around the world. Three exhibitions unfolded at the following international venues: Guangdong Times Museum in Guangzhou (2020-2021), Incheon Art Platform (2021-2022), and KADIST San Francisco (2022).
PDF Publication Here: Frequencies of Tradition publication – Kadist
April 2–July 16, 2022
KADIST, San Francisco
With works by Chung Seoyoung, Yoeri Guépin, Ho Tzu Nyen, Chia-Wei Hsu, siren eun young jung, Tomoko Kikuchi, Seulgi Lee, Young Min Moon, Hwayeon Nam, Gala Porras-Kim, Lieko Shiga, Ming Wong
Organized by KADIST / Frequencies of Tradition – Kadist
December 7, 2021–April 10, 2022
Incheon Art Platform, Incheon
With works by Sooryeon Choe, Chung Seoyoung, Yoeri Guépin, Ho Tzu Nyen, Chia Wei Hsu, siren eun young jung, Jane Jin Kaisen, Alexander Keefe + Ashoke Chatterjee & Liz Phillips, Tomoko Kikuchi, Ayoung Kim, Gala Porras-Kim, Seulgi Lee, Young Min Moon, Hwayeon Nam, Part-time Suite, Ko Sakai & Ryusuke Hamaguchi, Lieko Shiga, Simon Soon + Roger Nelson & Stella, Stephanie Spray & Pacho Velez, Erika Tan, Fiona Tan, Evelyn Taocheong Wang, Wang Tuo, Ming Wong, Yo Daham, and Zheng Guogu
Organized by IFAC–Incheon Art Platform in collaboration with KADIST and Guangdong Times Museum (Guangzhou, China)
Supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in South Korea
2022 인천아트플랫폼 송출된 과거, 유산의 극장 Frequencies of Tradition (youtube.com)
December 12, 2020–February 7, 2021
the Guangdong Times Museum, Guangzhou
With works by artists Yoeri Guépin, Ho Tzu Nyen, Chia Wei Hsu, siren eun young jung, Jane Jin Kaisen, Alexander Keefe in collaboration with Ashoke Chatterjee, and Liz Phillips, Tomoko Kikuchi, Ayoung Kim, Hwayeon Nam, Ko Sakai and Ryusuke Hamaguchi, Lieko Shiga, Simon Soon in collaboration with Stella and Roger Nelson, Stephanie Spray and Pacho Velez, Erika Tan, Fiona Tan, Evelyn Taocheng Wang, Ming Wong, Yo Daham, and Zheng Guogu
Co-organized by Guangdong Times Museum and KADIST in cooperation with Goethe-Institute China
Supported by the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Guangzhou
Frequencies of Tradition - Times Museum
December 15, 2020—January 30, 2021 (stream)
Online Video Exhibition thru KADIST online
with works by Yoeri Guépin, Ayoung Kim, Ming Wong, Erika Tan, Ho Tzu Nyen, and Ashoke Chatterjee in collaboration with Alexander Keefe
Frequencies of Tradition, Online Video Exhibition – Kadist
Greater Asias Forum & the Kyoto School with Far East Network
09 Nov 2018–11 Nov 2018
Archive Lounge Program of The Gwangju Biennale 2018
in collaboration with Frequency of Tradition, KADIST (seminar regarding Ho Tzu Nyen’s research)
Your Platform, Your Park is a public art project that gradually developed for two years from the summer of 2021, comprised of a public sculpture project, public gardening, and the development of refined public communication under the concept of ‘Navigating Buoy,’ a related public program to present the entire IAP area as a friendly park for the neighboring community.
July 2021 – June 2023
Incheon Art Platform outdoor area (3, Jemullyang-ro 218beon-gil, Jung-gu, Incheon)
conceived and curated by Hyunjin Kim during her Artistic Director of IAP 2021
15 Korean artists, including Kim Byungjo, Yoon Hyangro, YANG Jiwon, LEE Seulgi, LEE Eunsae, and Jung Jihyun.
Organized by IFAC-Incheon Art Platform
Supported by Arts Council Korea / Incheon Art Platform > (inartplatform.kr)
Slow Water_Seulgi Lee
The solo exhibition of Artist Seulgi Lee, who freely links and spans vernacular art forms or linguistic origins related to tradition, community, material, and culture, contemporary forms, humor, wit, locality, and universality. Slow Water is a new commission work by IAP, which awakens our senses for the water that flows widely and slowly with lights. The exhibition resulted from her collaboration with dancheong, moonsal, and Tongyeong quilt artisans she has worked with for years.
September 10 - November 7, 2021
Incheon Art Platform (Gallery B, E3 & Outdoor Space)
Organized by IFAC-Incheon Art Platform
Sponsored by Embassade de France en Coree
*Online view(3D documentation): A21046:인천아트플랫폼ㆍ이슬기 Seulgi Lee - Archive360
Reclamation, New Rocks, Stray Dogs, Birds, and Acoustics of the Garden
The exhibition is derived from examinations of urban and ecological conditions surrounding those undergoing human-induced changes. The works featured in this exhibition bear artists' aesthetic and ethical observations that raise attention to inseparable symbiosis with nonhuman spheres. The figures and narratives in the works resonate with the mode of thinking and living that embraces the challenges and possibilities of our troubled times.
May 21st – July 25th, 2021
Incheon Art Platform (Gallery B, E3, G1, G3)
with works by Gwon Doyeon, Kim Hwayong, Nam Hwayeon, Liu Chuang, Park Jina, Chang Hanna, Jumana Manna, Charles Lim Yi Yong, Karrabing Film Collective, Tania Candiani, Fabrizio Terranova
A21030:and Acoustics of the Gardenㆍ - Archive360
History Has Failed Us, but No Matter
Korean Pavilion, 58th La Biennale di Venezia
This exhibition explores the history of modernization in East Asia through the lens of gender and the agency of tradition. Generating a complex narrative assemblage of historical interventions, the three artists in this exhibition seek to resist and create ruptures in the logic of systems and power, and they are keen to question how the development of civilization, the violence of convention, and the norms of such history take place in our times.
May 11–November 24, 2019
Artist: siren eun young jung, Hwayeon Nam, and Jane Jin Kaisen
Curator Hyunjin Kim, and commissioned by Arko
Supported by Hyundai Motor Company, Maeil Dairies Co., Ltd., Asiana Airlines, SBS Foundation, Harper’s Bazaar Korea, Danpal Korea, by edit., Kyu Sung Woo Architects, Danish Arts Foundation, Knud Hojgaards Fond, Yuna Yang Collection
The Korean Pavilion - 58th International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia (arko.or.kr)
* The exhibition of the Korean Pavilion traveled and was held at Arko Art Center, Seoul, from March to April 2020.
Theater Ten Years, Please
Objects-performing theater that presents sculptural modes and storytelling by Jewyo Rhii, talking about their births and journeys of those works for the last decade, which scattered among acquaintances.
Oct 18-22, 2017
Namsan Art Center, Seoul
Conceived by Hyunjin Kim and Co-directed by the Jewyo Rhii and Hyunjin Kim
Produced by Curatorial Lab Seoul
Organized by Namsan Art Center
Supported by Maeil Dairy. Co.Ltd.
Sculptures Reflect On The Space They Occupy In "Ten Years, Please" - The Theatre Times
Gridded Current
The exhibition Gridded Currents explores how nature, in particular the sea, has been ruled and dominated by modernization in reifying and enforcing modernity’s border-making. The sea is no longer a neutral landscape, as seen in this exhibition. Instead, it approaches the ocean as a site of colonial history, a charged marker of national borders, and a target of capitalistic exploitation of its natural resources. The works of Nina Canell, Ayoung Kim, Runo Lagomarsino, and Charles Lim Yi Yong explore various aspects of modernity and other meta-narratives that maintain a distance from everyday reality but remain deeply embedded in the ocean’s depths.
Kukje Gallery, Seoul
July 20 - Aug 20, 2017
Artist: Nina Canell, Ayoung Kim, Runo Lagomarsino, Charles Lim
Gridded Currents | 국제갤러리 (kukjegallery.com)
2 or 3 Tigers
2 or 3 Tigers is a group exhibition about colonialism, media, and modernity, specifically in East Asia. The figure of the tiger itself is the medium through which mythological, colonial, and modern histories are evoked and folded into the present, highlighting unstable identities and shifting ground, as well as structural continuities and modernization ideologies.
April 21 – July 3, 2017
HKW, Berlin
Exhibition with works by Ho Tzu Nyen, James T. Hong, Chia-Wei Hsu, IM Heung-soon, Jane Jin Kaisen & Guston Sondin-Kung, Minouk Lim, Park Chan-Kyong, Lieko Shiga, Yuichiro Tamura.
Co-curated by Hyunjin Kim and Anselm Franke
*2 or 3 Tigers, Opening Public Program
April 20 to 23, 2017
HKW Auditorium and film theater
With Au Sow-Yee, Kevin Chua, Anselm Franke, Hongkoo Han, Duto Hardono, Ho Rui An, Ho Tzu Nyen, Yuk Hui, Hyunjin Kim, Yongwoo Lee, Angela Melitopoulos, Park Chan-Kyong, Shabbir Hussain Mustafa, siren eun young jung, David Teh, The Propeller Group, Trinh T. Minh-Ha, and Mi You.
Lectures, talks, performances, and films discuss the relationship between media, technology, and society, specifically in historical and geopolitical contexts that are characterized by the logic of colonialism and nationalism, increasing militarization and financialization.
*Flights from the Empire, 2nd Public Program
June 17–18, 2017, HKW
Referring to James C. Scott’s ”The Art of Not Being Governed," lectures, performances, and films explore the strategies of resistance against imperial and national structures in Asia while expounding on the genesis of state structures, national borders, and capitalist economies and their relationship with indigenous cultures and identity constructs.
Co-curated by Anselm Franke, Hyunjin Kim, and David Teh
Two Hours
Sept 22 – Oct 29, 2016, Tina Kim Gallery, New York
artist: Yiso Bahc, Chung Seoyoung, and Kim Beom
Two Hours - Bahc Yiso, Chung Seoyoung, Kim Beom - Exhibitions - Tina Kim Gallery
Nina Canell_Satin Ion
May 28- August 9, 2015, Arko Art Center, Seoul
Nina Canell - Announcements - e-flux
Hwayeon Nam_Time-Mechanics
April 9-June 28, Arko Art Center, Seoul
Hwayeon Nam - Announcements - e-flux
Tradition (Un)Realized
Sep 5 - Oct 4, 2014, Arko Art Center
A one-month pilot program with performance, screening, and symposium,
Co-curated by Hyunjin Kim, David Teh, and Youngue Jang, Arko Art Center
“Tradition (Un)Realized” - e-flux Education
Seoyoung Chung- The Speed of the Large, the Small and the Wide
Sept 12 - Nov. 17, 2013
Ilmin Museum, Seoul
The Speed of the Large, the Small, and the Wide – Chung Seoyoung
Brilliant Collaborator
June 27 - Aug. 25, 2013
Ilmin Museum of Art, Seoul
탁월한 협업자들 - 일민미술관 (ilmin.org) / Brilliant Collaborators - Announcements - e-flux
(off)stage and Masterclass_ siren eun young jung’s theater performance
April 6, 2013
Seogang Mary Hall
Directed by siren eun young jung
Curated and produced by Hyunjin Kim
Organized by Festival Bo:m 2013
(Off)Stage/Masterclass 2013 : siren eun young jung (sirenjung.com)
Perspective Strikes Back
July 15– Oct. 3, 2010
L’appartement22, Rabat, Morocco
Dec. 17– Jan. 14, 2010, 2009
Doosan Gallery, Seoul
Annual Report, 7th Gwangju Biennale
The 7th Gwangju Biennale comprised a series of selected traveling exhibitions invited to use the biennale as a destination, a stop on the touring itinerary in the global exhibition network. By inviting exhibitions to the Biennale, exhibitions are understood here as a fundamental expression of cultural and intellectual practice. As such, they have gone beyond being understood as a form of reflection or forum of debate for art.
The program was divided into three main strands: "On the Road," a collection of traveling exhibitions that were produced elsewhere in 2006/2007; "Position Papers," involved curators in dialogue; and "Insertions," featured works and events specially commissioned for Gwangju.
Sept 5 – Nov. 5, 2008
Biennale Hall, Gwangju Museum of Art, Uijae Museum of Korean Art, Cinema Gwangju, Daein Traditional Market Artistic Director, Okwui Enwezor
Co-curator: Hyunjin Kim and Ranjit Hoskote
Position Papers Curators: Patrick D. Flores, Jang Un Kim,
Abdellah Karroum, Sung-Hyen Park, Claire Tancons
Organized by Gwangju Biennale Foundation
Opening of 7th Gwangju Biennale - Announcements - e-flux
Movement, Contingency, and Community
Oct. 17– Nov. 5, 2007
Gallery27, Kaywon Art & Design School, Uiwang-si
Artists: Can Altay, Nina Canell, RunoLargomarsion, Wooyeon Lee, Minouk Lim, JewyoRhii, and Jimmy Robert
Curated by Hyunjin Kim
Organized by Kaywon Art & Design School
Sadong 30 - Haegue Yang
Aug. 19–Oct. 29, 2006
Sadong 30-53, Inchon, South Korea
Curated by Hyunjin Kim
Supported by IFAC (Incheon Foundation of Art& Culture)
Undeclared Crowds
A collection-based exhibition as a part of the series “Plug-In: Revisited Collection of Van Abbemuseum
Apr. 08–Aug. 2006
Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, NL
Steaming Away from the Places
Oct. 16–Oct. 23 , 2004
Sangmyung Univ. Exhibition hall, Seoul
Artist: Haegue Yang, Park Sejin, and Uhuhboo Project
May. 29–June 13, 2003
Rooseum/Test-Site, Malmo, Sweden
Initiated by Jewyo Rhii and Curated by Hyunjin Kim
Reality Bites
Oct. 9–Oct. 27. 2002
Space LOOP, Seoul